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Georgiev is world champion

Paul Oudshoorn, 28-05-2011
After winning the most occupied draught championship of the 2011, the Russian championship, Alexander Georgiev has also won the most important championship of 2011, the world championship. Georgiev did not feel the weight of being the favourite.

He was the only player who flew full in each round. This round was an exception because he only needed one point to celebrate a party. Wiebe van der Wijk was not able to make it really hard on him and after a few hours he was the first one to congratulate Georgiev with his fifth world title.

Wiebe van der Wijk - Alexander Georgiev (right)



There was much more tension in the battle for second place. Who can call himself the best of the rest? Ndjofang was very nervous because of his high position on the list. His opponent Virny could smell the African’s nervousness. The Cameroonian wanted to play a quick draw. Virny only avoids the fight against players that he esteems stronger than himself, the world champion and former world champions. Due to Ndjofang’s clumsy manoeuvres an exciting flank position came on the board. Ndjofang could not play for a draw anymore. The white attack was still manageable but Ndjofang could not turn the tide. His attack turned uglier each move and the German could demonstrate his dazzling finishing techniques to the public once again. Ndjofang was totally downgraded. It's unfortunate that Virny did not have the courage to play draughts earlier in the tournament. Who knows where he would have ended with a bit of luck. But it is well known that Germans live more for their car than draughts.

Amrilloew could not set foot ashore against Seck and played a draw. Baljakin had some advantage against Silva but the Brazilian kicked a 4x3 endgame to a minus draw.

Valneris and Mogiljanski put a Molimard variation on the board what led to an interesting battle. Valneris became strong in the late middle game and a victory seemed in the offing. As usual, the Latvian had big time trouble so he could not see his best chances. After the time control Mogiljanski missed his best defence in a bad position so that he ended up in a very controversial endgame. De present grandmasters could not easily fathom the endgame so the help of the computer was asked. According to the computer it was all just a draw. In the sixth hour of playing Mogiljanski committed an inaccuracy due to which suddenly the draw margins were exceeded in the complex 5x3 endgame. Both players however had time trouble for the second time in the game. Valneris made a mistake and Mogiljanski found a not so easy draw.

Domchev and Schwarzman also played a Molimard but the Lithuanian played very solid again and was able to eliminate the greatest stress.

Gantwarg was able to isolate and conquer a front post on 24 from Artykow. Flawlessly Gantwarg wrapped rest of the game up to a victory.

Boomstra and Getmanski both had to win to claim a position in the top ranking. The Dutchman presented the Groningen version to the Russian. This led to an exciting classical party. Boomstra played very strong and in the middle game he could even win a gorgeous forcing. He missed this forcing, but he remained very strong. In the late middle game Getmanski had to be very careful that he would not totally smash himself. In desperation, he had to open an unfavourable position. After the time control, it showed that the Russian could still play a draw in the unfavourable endgame. A very disappointed Boomstra had to rest in the fact that the endgame did not hold anything but a plus draw for him.

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